Escal - Arquetectura Bioclimática

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR activities are carried out paying attention to the environment and the efficient use of natural resources to meet the energy demand . Our philosophy revolves around the concept of CONDENSIDAD, defined as the multifunctional use of urban space is perceived as a web of factors (environmental, social, Economic, cultural, etc.).

Interrelated to each other, which are organized to achieve maximum comfort and quality to the people who inhabit it.

The challenges of our society are overcome with ideas, ideas to become reality need:  


  • WORK


These are the three pillars on which our work is structured method.

Innovation is essential for achieving high performance, which is why we bring a multidisciplinary to help you define and achieve your ideas come true strategic vision and practice. Our services are tailored to you, that is our commitment.

Innovation is essential for achieving high performance, which is why we bring a multidisciplinary to help you define and achieve your ideas come true strategic vision and practice. Our services are tailored to you, that is our commitment.

Our services are tailored to you, that is our commitment. Another key part of our corporate philosophy is the building of strong long-term relationships with our customers, our employees and our suppliers.

Following this line of action has played a fundamental role in implication of the organization of sensitization campaigns for employees.

In this regard,after several days of sensitization was achieved by reducing consumption and waste of our facilities.

ESCAL  Bioclimatic Architecture is committed to a sustainable future to give quality of life to people. It also aims to give a holistic vision and one response of the medium, allowing for the interaction of multiple factors that unite the city with humans.

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